Give Back Friday!

Starting from this Friday (November 24th 2017) we will be celebrating and giving back to a great vegan charity called A Well Fed World
A Well-Fed World is a hunger relief and animal protection organization chipping away at two of the world’s most immense, unnecessary and unconscionable forms of suffering… the suffering of people hungry from lack of food, and the suffering of animals used and abused for food.
They have a positive, practical, and action-led approach that produces immediate assistance for those in need and structural change for lasting results.
In addition to their direct programs, they raise funds, partner with, and promote innovative, highly effective projects that strengthen:
- plant-based feeding & farming programs
- farm animal care & rescue efforts
- vegan advocacy & community building
We have a few products in our shop, that when you buy we will donate 10% of the profits to a special programme run by A Well fed World called Plants 4 Hunger
To buy any of the gifts follow this link to our shop our look for 'Charity Products' on our Soapnut Shop Menu. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting their work and helping to relieve suffering around the world.